
For the majority of today I have felt so ready to pass out. Finals are grueling; the mental demand only pushes me further physically. I see it as a worthwhile sacrifice to put in those extra hours of studying rather than sleep, but it is catching up to me and today is only Day 2 of finals. (Granted, the worst is over) Today, for instance: the Terror exam: Macroeconomics. (this post is a grammatical mess—please note its symbolism of my mind and life right now). Pretty sure my brain died. And is in recovery. Well, recover fast li’l mind, because finals aren’t over yet!

Back to today. Spent not enough time studying for the final, got a little under 6 hours of sleep, was sooo tempted to wear my onesie to take my final but settled for taking my blanket, took the final, came home and slept for two more hours until I was ready to live life, seriously struggled to get my butt out of bed to face the day, and have spent the rest of the day doing nothing productive enough.

Right now I’m so over this. All this. My stomach hurts, I am a lard, my body demands sleep, I don’t smile enough anymore, my social life rivals that of a rock—with the rock winning—please hurry here, Friday. 7 p.m. You will not come soon enough. At that moment, I will be off work and completely finished with finals. I plan to sleep. Sleep a lot.

Laundry, I promise I will take care of all of you. I know we haven’t talked since Thanksgiving, but we’ll be friends again. Thank goodness for swimsuits when…certain clothing… runs out! My life is exotic. So don’t care that this is public. Bigger and worse thangs to worry about.

I don’t even know what emotion I’m feeling. I’m beyond exhaustion.

“Days like this make me want to start blogging.” –fellow co-worker, Todd.


Chloe said…
you got this!!!!
hahah thursday will be fun--and so will today. I may crack and just buy some gosh dang tots. I love 'em, and miss em.