But before I slumber.....

1. I have had a looong week. Today was my long-anticipated macroeconomics exam; I didn't do so hot on the last one, so this was my chance to shine. I've consistently put 3 hours in a day for the week, and the last two days a little bit more than that. We're talking 20 hours of study time. My shining on the test might be comparable to a dull rock. Sunk costs, econ. Sunk costs.

Being so committed to diligent studying this week, I have not posted anything meaningful, but I've kept running thoughts on things I wished I could, but wouldn't allow myself because I was demonstrating self-control. The paybacks for that sacrifice are splendidly displayed in my probably C grade on my exam.

My week:
in class I arrived about 5 minutes late (oh, that part is normal) and shuffled to get my laptop out. Turned it on. MUSIC BLARING. Yay for Lion King! I went bright red. Oh the public humiliation. But you've got to own it, so I just shrugged it off as best as I could. Funny part: only a week before in class I was telling Lexi (my friend) how I fear turning on my laptop and having music blasting because that is so something that would happen. And it did. Well, that's embarrassing.

I got a lovely letter in the mail: I recognized the handwriting on the envelope on the mail stack. MOM!! I excitedly opened it on my way to class and read a talk she sent, "Lot's Wife." I don't know if she knew I looooved that devotional, but I do! Wow, it MADE MY DAY! Oh, and madre... thanks so much for the $20. ;)

Gilbert up and died. Gilbert is my lovely Blackberry: yep, he gave up the ghost. So, I've been using the miracle of GoogleVoice to help me communicate. What a technological wonder!

Tightly packed day. My usual 7 hours of nothingness during the day vanished before I even blinked. I had to find a way to get to the temple Wednesday night due to car sharing, but all was well!

What a DAY. Medals dance exam: Bronze level, Honors. Haha I think that is meant to make me feel better about myself. I just feel even more stupid. Just sayin'. But I couldn't pass up a chance to... get better. I want to be good. It's a goal, and dang it I WILL do it!
Harry Potter PREMIER!!! This will get its own post.

Up at the crack of dawn (compared to when I wanted to be) to study; studied all day, did a couple workshops at the NGO fair. Every time I see a picture of Africa something in me stirs... I want to help somehow. I want to be someone to have an influence.
Ames & I double with Gibbs and his mission buddy for cooking marshmallows on the lights up by the belltower. Yumminess. It actually WORKS!! Who knew? :) 'twas a good time had by all.

Up yet again early, but this time for a breakfast date with Mr. Jeffrey Whitlock and Ames&James (12). We had a HOOT. Then all but Jeff went to do a service project at the Hare Krishna temple. Ames is converting to Hinduism. Oh joyous. haha
We'll see how the rest of the evening goes! ;)

In conclusion, I had a thought during the week: "Thy will be done, but this is my will in case you care... :)
Heavenly Father will help everything be okay. Even if I woke up 15 minutes before class, couldn't shower, smell funky, shove my face with cookies for breakfast because I see nothing better, or that I forgot to do an assignment until one hour before it was due...Heavenly Father will help everything be okay. And it is okay."
