What is it coming to?

Today in class our teacher mentioned "the shooting" that happened over the weekend. I had no idea, but was curious and looked it up. I almost wish I hadn't.

Sometimes life just feels so heavy: the world around us seems to be getting worse and worse. I don't think people attribute the violence depicted in movies, t.v. shows, and news as the fuel for the dangerous society we are entering into. We recognize swearing or sex, but when someone is getting punched in the face, or murdered somehow that passes under the radar. But look what happens when we let it pass by. We're desensitized. 
Yet we do live in one of the greatest nations. I'm reading the book Tate's dad lent to me about one of the civil war/conflict in Sierra Leone. Combine the tragedies told there with the Rwandan genocide I learned about (and visited the sites of) this last summer, and suddenly life isn't so feathery light.

Am I still happy? Incredibly. I feels so blessed (to overuse that word just like every other LDS person.) But saying I feel lucky doesn't recognize the divine hand I feel is in my life. Which is why I feel the need to work in a career path which will improve the lives of people so far disadvantaged to the everyday lives we live in America. We are stewards of our wealth and prosperity in this life. We've been given it, but with instructions to share. Just like you shared your ice cream cone with that kid on the playground. Now I feel it's time to share my heart, thoughts, worry, love, and care with people who are receptive and yearning for it.
