that friend

Yes, I'm that friend who steals all the buttery popcorn from the bowl as we're snacking & doing homework. I'm also that friend that takes a full 10 minutes to pick up ont he hint you're giving me. And I'm sorry for those slow synapses--they're trying so hard, I promise. I'm also that friend who gets short with you when I'm irritated and asked for a favor--right now. I hope you forgive that quick, fiery temper.

But I'll have you know, I can also be that friend to dance with you in the living room with goggles on my head, and applaud you as you dance on the chairs in front of the kitchen window. I'll be that friend who says good night to you...fifty times. That friend to know & hold your secrets. That friend who, when needed, will yell at you...and follow it with a good-natured grin. Who rustles to get ready in the morning & kinda, sorta, might annoy you. But, hey, I'm just bein' a friend. That friend who will watch YouTube videos with you before grueling Manec homework parties begin. Or break your plate doin' the dishes.

That friend. I'll try so hard. Forever and ever. Promise.
