YOU'VE got a problem? WE'VE got a problem
Wheat Thins. Helloooooo.
And good-bye.
Neltje, Kristie, Ryan, and I are doing a case competition here on campus with Wheat Thins. We didn't think we'd make past round one, but somehow the other 18 teams didn't breathe and we squeaked by. For some reason, we're obsessed with doing well. Not necessarily winning; just doing well. Thus far, we've put in three forever-late nighters for this to come together, with last night being such a said festivity.
Midnight rolled around and Neltje and I thought, "Hmmm.... we should just keep working on this and get it done tonight." So off we head to Kim's (our basecamp), but not without a McD's stop on the way.
After one or two hours of not a whole lot getting done, we crashed rather than working hard. What the..??? W. So today we look like stoners, but are plugging through our presentation later in the day.
Not because we want to win. Because we don't want to lose absolutely.