Life is what you make it

Sunday's are an interesting scene in LDS Young-Single Adult wards. I feel like they are a competition to be the prettiest, kindest, funniest, most genuine person in the room. In these scenes, my tendency is to blend in with the chairs or hymn books; just sorta, kinda disappear. Plus, I like calm Sundays. I want to be at church for church--not to chit chat.

Today, though, I realized the slight error of my ways. Church is for being uplifted spiritually. But we, as individuals, are greatly limited in what we can learn by ourselves. We need other people, and by not taking a chance to make friends, I am depriving myself of knowledge and growth that only they could offer. The comparison game was so high school, and I wish I were so over it. I shouldn't feel bummed when someone has a fantastic voice, knowing that I'll never be that good. Nor should I feel annoyed by gorgeous, funny people. Annoyed because I can't compete with that....but why should I compete? The happiest people I see are happy because they're not playing that game. 

I am addicted to this idea of comparison, and it is harmful to me... I read another blog, I wish I were here. I see an outfit, I wish I looked that good in it. I am so glutton for punishment. Thing is, I don't know where to start to change. My freaking midlife crisis at the ripe age of 20. Goodie. :) 

I enjoy sitting home and working on homework, but I know I should be out having fun and laughing with people. I spent 20 years of life NOT developing hobbies/talents/sweet nunchuck skills. I feel like it's too late to start now...


Clara said…
Cec, you are never too old to develop those nunchuck skills ;)
*Bekah* said…
Spot on post, mate!

Heh, I saw a pair of nun-chucks on a website for really cheap a couple days ago, and I totally thought about getting a pair! I figured that someone in China has got to know how to use them. :P