
yoga: rolling around on floor pretending to be flexible.

poor: buying only conditioner because you have one $1 off coupon, and anyone will only smell conditioner since it's used after shampoo, anyway.

partier: coming up with "Little Red Riding Hood" costume five minutes before the halloween party, then leaving said party after getting pics with friends. (Pictures are the party, anyway...)

friend: dashing off [precious] phone call with significant other to catch up to a friend who needed an open ear. All this occurring in a onesie at 11:00 p.m.

student: push back a meeting to fit in an hour-long nap. (much needed after previously mentioned friend chat, which lasted till roughly 2 a.m.)

sister: abdicates car to let other seester attend yoga (previously defined). also invites seester over for delicious and memorable picnic lasagna dinner.

best friend: calls and asks someone on a date with presence & coaching of other best friend.


Clara said…
this makes me feel a little bad. ok really bad.