tick tock: where has the time gone?
Naturally, I only blog during finals. I can't do justice to the last month of growth and change...
journey to Boston where I learned true confidence, working with a diverse team, hard work, patience, and when I just need to let myself learn
new friends from New York, Washington, Ontario... hoping we can all stay in contact, but remembering all the other people I've said that about my whole life
(for those of us underage:)
"where's your fake?"
"uh......" -me
mom: surgery. :(
working like a crazy person to make up for lost time
bidding adieu to Nathaniel... yeah..
work deener parties. at Tucahnos.
work birthday celebrations. Yogurtland, Mountain West Burrito, & Subzero. Keep getting older & wiser.
the beauty of pandora for letting me get a new start when songs hold too many memories
Philadelphia MUN trip: careful who you trust
as I type my blog url into the url bar, I half expect to get to my blog and see a new post. Alas, NOPE!!!
Roommate bonding at 2 a.m.
No letters :(
Low money
Good food
More gym
Christmas decorating
"Sleigh ride" is my favorite Christmas song. (sung by Carpenter's, of COURSE)
Working out is not a decision.
Dancing in the snow.
I love Disney. 'specially Princesses.
Sometimes eating two bowls of cap'n crunch is the best way to get through the night.