closing ties

the semester is a mere 2 days from entire completion. 

I can't imagine my life without the people I know and love--Whitney, Amers, Apt 12--Jake, James, & Josh; Apt 24--Joe, Ryan, Sam; the girls in 28--Hayley, Katrina, Kendra, Dawn; Lisa; my lovers in apt 31--Caleb, Brian, Nathan, and Travis; Gibbs; people I have only acquaintanced... These wardies living so tightly to me have shaped me immensely:

I started the school year awkward, shy, and scared. Coming back from Uganda was not an easy transition, especially not to new roommates whom I thought viewed me as an entire hermit and weirdy. Well... at least they were right about something. :)

I remember crying over in Apartment 24 to Ryan and Sam (curling up on the Lovesac) because my roommates thought I was weird I wanted nothing to do with living there. Sleeping at Kristie's [old] apartment because, for once, I didn't have to hide away who I was.

I remember meeting up with Jake again (after a brief introduction last year), and being introduced to apt 12. A lovecrush on James ensued, I'll admit. Now is the time for childish confessions. I probably slipped with a crush on every one of those boys. And you know what? It's made me a better person. I could strut on in and flop on that couch at any time, and feel more complete through our conversations than I could on any other day. Get back to Provo from Christmas break and locked out of my apartment? No problem! I'll go sleep on the couch in apt 12 until someone gets home and finds me there.

Huber was my confidant for another time; I'd sit on my li'l African chair outside my door as my roommates laughed inside, and confess how alone I felt in my own home.The girls next door in 28 were angels, and Mentalist parties soon occupied our Thursday nights. So many laughs.

The rough roommate patch was quickly dissolved, and soon we were escapading to In n' Out, Krispy Kreme, and Wal-Mart at odd hours of the morning and night. STOP and road signs were acquired, popcorn popped, songs sung [off-tune], ice-cream devoured, confessions shared, blogs started roommates switched,
hurt feelings felt, words unsaid, flowers given, tests passed, tests failed, midnight premiers watched, snowfalls shared, onesies worn, pictures taken, food burned, boys crushed [lit'rally!], memories shared, princess parties hosted, valentines given, Vernal visited, presents given, donuts kiefed, trees decorated,  balloons hung, pranks pulled, couches rearranged, notes left, tears cried, humor shared, dances danced, music played...

a year of memory and growth, so near its culmination
whatever will I do next?


~Christine~ said…

You truly are an articulate person! I love your enthusiasm and insight! I know you have and will do great things in the future! I hope you get back to Africa soon and I'm sure you will! Just because your AWESOME!
Unknown said…
In another time?!? I hope I can always be your confidant! You promised!
Clara said…
I love you! and I'm so glad I could be part of your crazy and unpredictable year! you are AMAZING CEC (not just an amazing writer)
Cecilly said…
Thank you! Christine, that's so kind of you to say. I really HOPE to get back! How are things going for you?

Parker, of COURSE you will be! But you'll be a married man, and I won't even be here for the WEDDING!!!! I want to weep excessively. Oh wait, I already did.

Clara, I THINK I love you more! Let's make next year unpredictable, too! Li'l visits to the Pegsters, letters to the Carrie-meister, and visits to all our married African chums! They're dropping like FLIES. All I have to say is...Top 10 songs 2009....