Visits with a friend and four soft pillows

I've had innumerable thoughts this week I wanted to blog on, but they pass so fleetingly I don't have time to blog them all! I'll repent. :)

I'm in Salt Lake doing PBL this weekend; this business club thing has me re-thinking my major. Not that now is the time to do it. I just need to get done or I'll never get out--currently I may not be able to feasibly graduate my original plan of April 2012, which irks me. I just had that date all picked out perfectly. Graduate, then mission, then work. Ugh. Stupid plans aren't fitting into life.

Anyway, I'm at PBL; once our lovely and highly entertaining state officer dinner was finished, I went to visit Griffin. He's had two ROUGH weeks!! Spinal staph infection, in and out of the hospital, surgery, and the ER for the last two weeks. I feel for him... talking to Griffin was so... "refreshing," is how I described it to my friend (Rhet, that's you!!!). Griffin just makes sense--very pragmatic, takes life for what it is, doesn't make me feel inferior or stupid when he probably should, "enlightens" me on NUMEROUS topics (ha ha)...the greatest trait of all is that he isn't FAKE. And I don't have to put on any pretenses. If I'm stupid, I'm stupid with Griffin. If I have half a brain, I have half a brain with Griffin. I wish people could adopt many of his qualities. I MISSED that friend in someone.

Note: I have NO weird obsession with Griffin; I just got back from visiting and HAD to blog on something, and this is forefront on my mind.

Arriving at the hotel, I have a QUEEN bed to my onesie! I haven't had this... since I was a wee little tot. So don't worry, I made a point to clear my bed off and run and jump into it. The four soft, feather pillows remind me someday when I can afford to buy more than groceries, I'm going to get nice pillows because something about them makes me tingle inside. And they smell like Tate!! ha ha Olfactory senses do something to you....


Cecilly said…
Cec. I can join you in that comfy bed so you don't get lonely. Or Chris Baur could come and hang out with you. Is HE your old man?
Rhet said…
I was mentioned! I'm famous. And she did say refreshing.