Friends say it better

Two people: a mom (not mine--ha ha) and a long-time friend.

(1) A mom

Sara Mcquivey is essentially my li'l sister. Since she lived with my fam for her senior year, I really consider her part of us--she knows the Francisco quirks after living in the lair. Her mom gave me a really neat quote via a Facebook conversation. Facebook--change lives? No way, right? But what a tool it is for communication! How else would you spread word of events, thoughts, etc? The quote is:

"The Lord has a master's degree in choreography. He puts people where he needs them to be."

I've really had this topic on my mind. I'm applying for an internship in Ghana for next semester, and I am so torn. I want to go more than I could explain to anyone, because I want to UNDERSTAND Africa so I can one day work in a way which benefits the people there. But yet another part of me is torn to stay here. I started the school year rough, and I feel I need to put life back in order: I didn't try to make friends with my roommates, I couldn't get into classes... but now... now I am LOVING my roommates, IN LOVE with my coursework, and am enriching the friendships of those around me and trying to expand. But I know that since I put in my effort to do well in the interview, He will place me where He wants me to be.

(2) A long-time friend
Rhet Gardner and I have been friends since FBLA, YCC, DECA... so about...4 years. Recently he got a blog, which I've made a point to stalk. I heart blogs. His blog had a post which just DELIGHTED me!

"Life happens, and no matter what things can't change, so why let it change your day, or you life. Brush it off and move on."

I have nothing to say. Rhet = amazing. The end.


Rhet said…
Cecilly said…
I only copy you, Rhet! Thanksgiving break es soon! play?