an apple
The world is full of good people. I know that because of an apple. Stresses building, perceived failures mounting, and tears threatening to brim over, I paused for a moment to sit in the shade, to ponder and plead for comfort. Tears and allergies inevitably led to subdued sniffles I tried to suppress. It was then I heard the person near me gathering up her things to go. "Good," I thought. "A little privacy for me." She got up to go; I kept my eyes closed, holding backs tears of anxiety and worry. My surroundings were captured in my mind. Students shuffling to class. Laughter. Music. An atmosphere split with pre-finals tension and spring's carefree weightlessness. I heard my neighbor stop in front of me and opened my eyes to see an apple extended my way. "Here, would you like this apple? It's from my lunch, but I'm full." I reached forward and took it, pondering how Heavenly Father knew I needed a small demonstration of love. "By the way, I was sitting behind you admiring your hair. I want to learn to so braids like that." I mumbled out a surprised "thank you," and she turned to go, saying, "have a good day." "You too," I could get out as new tears pushed themselves out. But these tears were of gratitude. Because of an apple.